Trademark Registry Notification – TM Journal No. 2090
Trademark Registry has notified marks both which are in pre-publication and those which are post-publication or opposed which are as per Trademark Registry records have become dormant because of non-action from the applicant or opponent.
A list of such trademarks have been published in TM Journal No. 2090 dated 06.02.2023.
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Excerpts from Trademark Office:
Attention of stakeholders is drawn to the Public notice dated 06 Feb 2023 published in TM Journal No. 2090 ( ) regarding certain TM applications to be treated as abandoned u/s 132 and u/r 33(4) of the Trade Marks Act & Rules and certain TM applications pursuant to oppositions to be treated as deemed to have abandoned u/s 21(2) of the Trade Marks Act. Kindly refer the TM Journal No. 2090 ( ) for more details.
Link to notification is given in the links above.
Source: IPO, Trademark Registry, Trademark Attorney, CGPDTM